Explore the collection to see how individuals and families are using technology, design and creativity to create great accessible homes that match their lifestyle, interests and needs.
We are looking for people to contribute to our site. This can be by sharing home related tips for our blog, and/ or by sharing your story and home on our Open Homes page.
Opening Homes strives to elevate the standard of accessible housing by sharing insights and showing what’s possible.
Jocelynne was born legally blind, profoundly deaf and with an intellectual disability. She also lives on her own, travels the world and runs her own home based business.
Kate's home is full of small scale custom accessible designs that have made a huge difference in her life. Check out her home and story here.
Ricky Buchanan shares her top 5 tips to get the most out of your home when you can't leave your bed or home
Check out the Open Homes Blog, where we have regular contributors keeping us on point with what's important in home accessibility.